


The journey to acquire Australian permanent residency (PR) is a fascinating experience. However, it is natural to wonder how many years it takes to acquire a Permanent residency in Australia.

In this investigation of Australian Permanent residency processing time, we will reveal the mysteries, delve into the timelines, and offer you a transparent map with pointers to satisfy your ambitions of becoming an Australian permanent resident. 


The processing duration for permanent residency in Australia is affected by different aspects of your application. These aspects have to do with the following:

  • The number of requests received by the immigration unit

  • The difficulty or easiness of your application profile

  • Obtainability of places in your skilled relocation visa classification

  • The comprehensiveness and correctness of your application form

  • Hesitations triggered by incomplete presentation of the needed documents

  • Addressing questions from the immigration division.

Based on the Department of Immigration and Border Protection, the natural waiting duration for permanent residence in Australia varies from 8 months to 1 year. 


Are you anxious to understand how many years it takes to get a permanent residency in Australia? To respond, we have mentioned the processing times below for the permanent visa choices in Australia. 

Worldwide visa processing times are updated every month, offering dependable time durations for application processing; these durations are obtainable for several visa subcategories but may exempt a few closed or reduced volume classifications. 

The processing duration portrays the complete period needed to conclude 75 percent and 90 percent of requests presented globally. 

  1. Visa processing duration of Australia Subclass 189 Visa

The Subclass 189 Visa in Australia normally takes 8 to 9 months to process. After you present your concluded application, a case official may contact you about the 5.5-month mark in case of extra document conditions. 

When you offer or upload these papers, getting the visa grant may take another 45 to 60 days. If you are still waiting to hear from the Case Officer and demand more accompanying documents, you could anticipate the visa grant about 4 to 5 months after the Skilled Independent Visa request presentation. 

  1. Visa Processing Duration of Australia Subclass 190 Visa

The processing duration for the Skilled Nominated Visa Subclass 190 is naturally 6 to 8 months. Within the first three months of reimbursing your skill-based subclass 190 Visa payment, a Case Official may reach out to you to offer extra documents.

If all your documents are fulfilled and concluded, you might get a direct visa grant for Subclass 190 after 6.5 of the application presentation. Otherwise, when the demanded documents are uploaded, your request is considered re-presented, and you can anticipate the Subclass 190 visa grant within the next 45 to 60 days. 

  1. Visa Processing Duration of Australia Subclass 491 Visa

The calculated processing period for a skilled work regional subclass 491 visa in Australia naturally ranges from 1 to 1 year and 6 months. 

This time duration surrounds the time it takes for immigration authorities to evaluate and accept applications for this specific visa class. During the processing duration, candidates must satisfy the applicable qualification measures and offer all the necessary documentation for an explicit evaluation by the applicable authorities. 

  1. Processing Durations for Family Stream Visas to Australia

The processing durations for Family Stream PR (permanent resident) visas to Australia can differ hugely depending on many aspects, including the particular visa class, the completeness of the application, and the number of requests in the line. 

The various kind of subcategories under the family stream permanent visas to Australia comprise of:

  • Contributory Parent (Migrant) Subclass 143 visa

  • Aged Dependent Relative (Subclass 114 visa

  • Parent (subclass 103) visa

  • Carer (Subclass 116) visa

  • Aged parents (subclass 804) visa

  • Remaining relative (subclass 115) visa

Processing duration for these visa kinds can vary from months to years, based on the particular class. Furthermore, candidates may have the option to select a quicker processing path by choosing Contributory Parent visas, which require higher application payments but commonly possess shorter processing duration compared to non-contributory parent visas. 

  1. Processing Durations for Business and Investor Stream Visas to Australia

The processing durations for Business and Investor Stream permanent residence visas to Australia can differ widely depending on many aspects, including the particular visa classification, the completeness of the request, and the number of requests in line. 

The various subclass visa alternatives under the business and investor stream permanent residence visa stream to Australia comprise of:

  • Business Talent (permanent) (subclass 132) visa

  • Investor (subclass 891) visa

  • Business innovation and investment (permanent)(subclass 888) visa

  • Investor retirement (subclass 405) visa

  • Business owner (subclass 890) visa

Processing duration for these visa kinds can vary from many days to months, based on the particular class and personal events. Furthermore, most of these visas may have preferred processing alternatives or be subject to various processing duration depending on the candidate’s cases. 


Having stated that, so many major aspects can affect the processing duration for your Australia permanent residence visa. Hence, some of the commonly well-known aspects influencing your visa processing are mentioned below:

  1. Visa class

Your selection of visa classification majorly affects processing time. For example, skilled migration visas such as subclass 189, 190, and 491 possess various processing duration. 

Subclass 189 takes 8 to 11 months, and subclass 190 takes 9 to 12 months. On the contrary, visas such as parent classification visas may take 12 to 36 months. 

  1. Priority points

The Skill Select system first prioritizes subclass 489 visa applications, followed by subclass 190 and subclass 189 requests. 

  1. Assigned professions

The profession you choose from Australia’s demand list plays an important role. Professions in high demand in different states and territories are given increased priority. 

  1. Application and documents

The correctness and completeness of your request and documents are crucial. Mistakes or omitted details can result in hesitations. Contemplate making use of a prominent immigration consultancy for support if you are not sure about the procedures. 


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